Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3rd Week in EIR

Hi! I have been busy so did not have time to update my blog. This week, I am going to talk about what I have learnt a couple of weeks back.

A few weeks back, we learnt about the different search functions and features of Google. I was deeply impressed by what I was thought!

To be honest, I always thought that researching is all about just typing the whole question that you want to ask into the search box. But because of that, I always have a lot of websites that are totally not relevant to the things that I was searching for.

I never knew that there was actually a way to type out specifically on what you want to search! Using the “AND”, “OR” and the open and close brackets, I managed to narrow down the topic that I was researching about! It was an eye opener for me as many redundant results that were there in the beginning disappeared!

From now on, I would definitely use all these things that I learnt to make sure that all the different search results would all be useful for me and help make my work much easier!

I also participated in a discussion forum about my research topic this week as well! It was an all right for me as I used to be active in many other forums but I found the things that other people said to be very helpful in my research. Everyone seemed very kind and helpful towards me.

During the course of my studies, I had to do many reports that have requires me to do citations and bibliography. I feel that these two things are important in a report as we should always credit the person or book or paper that we took our information from. Another reason is also because of the fact that if we don’t do these two things, we will be accused of plagiarism which will make us fail instantly as well!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

2nd Week in EIR

Today is the 2nd lesson for EIR

I have learnt about all the differnt types of internet websites that we can do our research from and the history of how the internet came about! The internet was created during the world war 2 by the United States of America for war. It was then revolutionised to suit the consumers after the war so as to aid learning.

The different types of internet website that we can get our research from are from Blogs, wikipedia, e-journals, discussion forums and so on. Of course we would have to look through the content of these websites first before using them as reference as not everything on the internet is factual.

We were also given a task of researching on a topic that we have chosen. I chose, the topic on
the implications of legalising euthanisia and assisted suicide.

I chose this topic as I felt that it would widen my general knowledge of all these things as I research on them through the process of learning in the EIR course.

OH! I almost forgot about this, we were given like an imaginary 500 dollars to spend on EIR, for me, i would first buy books about photography as I am quite into them and I would definitely be interested in be better at it.

The books that I would buy would be these few,

The Digital Photography Book, Volume 1-3 (Paperback)

These few books will add up to like 60 dollars.

I will also buy a few games to play on my Playstation 3, like Fifa 10, Uncharted 2, Demon's Soul and Rachet and Clank: A Crack In Time.


Uncharted 2

Rachet and Clank: A Crack in Time

Demon's Soul

All these games would cost about $70 each. So i would have spent about $280 on these games. So for now, I would have spent about $340 already.
For the rest of the money, I would spend it on treating my family and friends to dinner at a nice restaurant. And of course I would invite you along Miss Faridah!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hi, I am Kenneth!

I am currently taking my diploma in Communications and Media Management, my favourite pastimes are Swimming/Playing the Guitar.

I like to listen to music a lot and my favourite singers/bands are Jason Mraz and Coldplay. Although recently I've been more into Jazz.

I have not been watching a lot of television shows recently but to me the best television show of all time is FRIENDS. It is very entertaining and no matter how many times I watch it, it would still be funny.

The places that I usually chill out at would be Starbucks or Teadot.

I play lots of sports as I love being in the sun. Some of the sports that I do are swimming, lifesaving, soccer and rock climbing.

A tip for rockclimbing would be that you should use your legs' power rather than relying on your arm muscles. Contrary to popular beliefs, rockclimbing is not all about arm power, its mainly leg power!